About Lingo Fx25
  What is Lingo Fx25  
  For Whom?  
  Why Lingo Fx25?  
  Learning Aspects  
  Retention Aspect  
  Benefits for Institions  
  Benefits for Learners  
  Benefits for Faculty  

•  What is Lingo Fx25?

Lingo Fx25 is a learning simulation for 25 foreign languages and 15 Indian languages. It incorporates all the possible methods of learning that human mankind has so far devised to learn languages. It also includes huge learning material that can impart effective learning.

The enormity and the effectiveness of the material can be judged from the fact that there are 25 full languages and as many as 40-50 methodology each. And every methodology is a course in itself exapnsing to 20 hours to 100 hours each.

Lingo Fx25 is a live and interactive program to enhance the learning of foreign language with enormous content categorized in a different methods and delivery system.



The educational institutions face inheritant dificulties when it comes to introducing foriegn languages training. Many institutions are still thinking for many years now to introduce foreign languages and one which introduced are not sure how long it will continue.

  • Difficult To Source the Faculty
  • Difficult To Retain the Faculty
  • Difficult To Choose Which Language
  • Students Demand Different Languages
  • Difficult To Have More Languages
  • Attendance Not Regular
  • Every Year New Hunt For New Faculty
  • Difficult To Match Students Schedule
  • Poor Response Prompts To Discontinue
  • Difficult To Start With Few Students
  • No Dedicated Facility/Infrastructure
  • No Flexible Schedule Available
  • Students Remain Still Deprived !!

With this background the foundation of Lingo Fx25 was laid to make the foreign language learning an easy task for institutions as well as learners.

Language Course is not a new phenomenon and it's present in different forms since ages. A new learner is very naïve and does not have any clue where to begin and whether this beginning is the right beginning leave away the ending. There are various schools of thoughts regarding language learning pattern and the approach to it. Where most of the language learning methods have good learning effect, none can be called as a complete language learning solution.

Language learning in itself is a lengthy and systematic process and any approach without adhering to basics things may turn out to be useless and ineffective method.

Every human being has a natural inclination and fascination for foreign languages and the choices are vast depending on the liking, benefit, and lot other reasons. The moment a person feels like learning a new language, the first thing is to search for a trainer or any training institute OR may be look around for some easily available cheap and best resource in audio – video- text form.

While many of the new enthusiastic learners land up buying some material, it's seldom that one will keep up the interest and carry forward the learning and looking for more advanced material etc. Many will believe that the learning is now over and that's the end of it.


  • For Whom is Lingo Fx25?

Educational Institutions like engineering colleges, MBA colleges, schools which are keen on introducing foreign languages program on campus but are facing difficulties regarding faculty or training facilty should look up to establishing Lingo Fx25 - Language Media Center at campus.

Lingo Fx25 is also meant for the coaching institutions like computer institutes, MBA coaching, accounting, X-XI-XII etc which already have students who can be fed with newer courses and curriculum.

Lingo Fx25 is also meant for the Training departments of institutions where soft skills and communication are prime courses.


  • Why Lingo Fx25?

Today Foreign Languages are important and inseperable part of educational curriculum and though all understand the importance and necessity of it, only few educational institutions can dare to introduce.

Lingo Fx25 is a solution to the current difficulties faced by the institutions. Students are deprived of important learning due to these difficulties and its the responsibility of the institutions to overcome the difficulty in by virtue of Lingo fx25.

Lingo Fx25 is essential because if the students require foreign language training and if it can not be given due to some other difficulties, then Lingo Fx25 is most suitable and effective way.



•  Genesis of Lingo Fx25

Lingo Fx25 was conceived with 2 main objectives

• i. To offer the new learner every possible methodology available anywhere across various schools of thoughts to make the l;earning possible and effective.

• ii. To offer the new learner every possible choice for foreign languages irrespective of popularity or rarity.

While building up and collecting material one thing came to forefront that self learning material is the last thing one would prefer and the live trainer would be the first preference. But even if a trainer is involved even then the material is essentially required and utilized enormously.

And so if the trainers are very rare to find then the material can take the place of trainer only if the methodology used is live , interactive and belonging to several schools of thoughts rather than a single pattern.

Lingo Fx25 came into existence with this simple logic that a complete solution for language could be found if we mix and bring together everything that is available around with all possible methodologies and all the possible languages.


•  Purpose of Lingo Fx25

Lingo Fx25 is learning content which develops the spoken ability of foreign languages. Lingo Fx25 is essential for the educational institutions so that the learners have wide choice of languages and flexibility of schedule and timings.

Lingo Fx25 is a one platform utility for foreign languages learning requirement.


•  How effective is it?


It's 100% effective because it follows all different methodologies and combines to an effective learning.

Lingo Fx25 is most effective for new learners and for spoken ability of the foreign language.


•  Methodology

Various methods are mentioned above in Part A in Lingo Fx25 Contents. All the courses mentioned are full courses and a method in itself. Lingo Fx25 follows a doctrine that every learner has its own way of learning and hence the learner can choose the best method suitable within Lingo Fx25.

Any single method can not be said to be as complete or full and hence Lingo Fx25 is a combination of all the methods together and one can even choose the way of learning ranging from text to audio to video etc.


•  Learning Aspects

The foreign language learning is an age old phenomenon but the languages have evolved and changed and when whole world is coming together, the learning is simplified with Lingo Fx25.

Lingo Fx25 stresses more on spoken ability than written as it is rightly said that speaking comes much earlier in life than writing and one can survive without written communication but is difficult without spoken communication.

Hence most of the courses above take care on

•  Spoken Ability

•  Fluency Development

•  Listening Skills

•  Accent Development


•  Retention Aspect

If well retained then only the learning will be useful otherwise the learning will to go in drain. Lingo Fx25 all courses are well structured taking in account the learning as well as retention.

Various retention exercises and methods are well mentioned in each of the above courses.


•  Benefits & Advantages

Communication is the first action which brings people together whether for social reasons or business reasons. And the most common way of communication is through language.


Benefits For Institutions

  • Lingo Fx25 is an essential tool for any educational institution. Able To Cater To Growing Need Of Students W.R.T. Choice Of Languages.
  • Improvised Language Department With Advanced Technology
  • Permanent Infrastructure For Languages And Communication.
  • More Students Taking Interest In Foreign Languages
  • Increase In Cultural Environment On Campus
  • Increase In Standard Of Institution
  • Easily Adapting To Any Foreign Language Curriculum


Benefits For Learners


•  Flexibility Of Timing And Pace Of Learning

•  Accessibility To Huge Content

•  Flexibility Of Choosing The Language

•  Improved Personality

•  More Interactive, Open And Frank Person


Benefits For Faculty

•  Structured Curriculum

•  Easy Content For All

•  Easy Reference And Delivery

